Just wanted to let everyone know of a few changes we will be making with our bouquets. Currently we have numerous bouquet sizes and price points to choose from with a monthly special which changes every month. We are starting up a new program where the monthly bouquet special will now be a bi-monthly special, so it will change every two weeks. I will continue to post pictures of the new bouquet a day or two before it starts being made. Also, we are starting a new weekly bouquet special. This bouquet will be the same type of idea but at a little bit higher price point which will include more specialty flowers and presentation styles. We will be faxing out a "weekly special" order form which will have the months worth of weekly bouquets on it with a picture. Since these pictures don't fax very clearly I will also post them on this blog. Here are the next four weeks worth of "weekly specials." If you would like to order any of these please give us a call and we would be happy to answer any questions and take the order.